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Cairo Pharmacy Syndicate

Increasing the rate of misuse... Applications for selling medicine are a nail in the coffin of "pharmacists"

Increasing the rate of misuse... Applications for selling medicine are a nail in the coffin of "pharmacists"


E-commerce has not left a commodity without becoming circulated on social media platforms, but when it comes to medicine, here the matter is very different, and while opponents of these applications see that it opens the door for the circulation of smuggled and fraudulent medicines, and violates the Pharmacy Practice Law 127 of 1955, and is dispensed without consulting the pharmacist. And the competent authorities, whose supporters say that it is a quick way to dispense medicines without being restricted During the past days, the hashtag “No_to_applications_selling_electronic_medicine” was issued on social networking sites, through which pharmacists expressed their strong rejection of these applications, which deepen their wounds and threaten their economic conditions, not to mention the misuse of medicines resulting from this “disorderly” circulation from their point of view. “Your Health in the World” monitored the opinion of the stakeholders, and Dr. Mohamed Onsi, head of the Alexandria Pharmacists Syndicate, says, Medicine is one of the most important products that should not be sold via the Internet, and direct interaction between the pharmacist and the public must be made, to review the medical prescription, and selling medicine through electronic applications will open a back door for non-pharmacists to practice the profession, and will make the prohibited and non-circulated medicine available to everyone, saying: « Controlling these applications will become almost impossible before the Egyptian Medicines Authority.” Meanwhile, Dr. Mahfouz Ramzy, Head of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Committee of the Cairo Pharmacists Syndicate, believes that the process of buying and selling medicine through electronic applications aims to weaken the economies of 80,000 pharmacies spread across Egypt that provide their services to 100 million citizens, and we will find shortly after the electronic applications acquire the market The drug, a complete change in the pharmaceutical system of pharmacies, will become more than 300,000 families whose breadwinners work in pharmacies, including pharmacists, employees and homeless workers, i.e. about 1.5 million people will find themselves without income. He continued: The spread of these applications will pose a danger to the health of citizens, due to the uncertainty of the identity of the seller, and on the other hand, it will affect economically and socially everyone who works in the profession of pharmacy professionally .He added that the circulation of medicine away from pharmacies and from the hands of the pharmacist, will raise the rate of misuse of medicines and medical preparations, especially nutritional supplements, to the highest possible percentage, causing negative side effects on the health of patients to the highest level one can imagine, in light of the ease of deceiving citizens, mentioning some medicines. The treatment of obesity that caused the death of a number of citizens, which was promoted through social media platforms, and they claim that it is natural, although it contains effective substances that have been banned by the FDA, such as the famous “sibutramine” that caused the death of some as a result of its negative effects. Which causes cardiac arrest, and there is also the substance “ephedrine” for slimming, which is one of the substances that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system to activate the functions of the body and make an effort to increase burning to lose weight, and cause high pressure and problems in the circulatory system, and there are derivatives of “amphetamines” that cause addiction, and all of this constitutes Dangerous to human health and life. Ramzy mentions another incident of these fictitious entities with an advertisement via satellite channels for a drug that helps to quit the “drug” tramadol. The treatment tape was sold for 600 pounds despite its presence in pharmacies for only 20 pounds, in addition to tons of sexual stimulants from which Satellite channels and websites promote them as herbal stimulants or natural honey as a sexual stimulant, to be taken by heart patients, which leads to angina pectoris, because the contents of these preparations often contain sildenafil, a sexual stimulant for men, which is completely incompatible with patients who take nitrates. While the owner of one of the pages dedicated to the circulation of medicine commented, on the social networking sites “Facebook” - who asked not to be named - that the medicine has become a commodity like any commercial commodity, especially after the high prices of medicines in pharmacies and their shortage, so the pages agreed with the dealers of imported medicines to obtain and sell them. At a cheaper price than the pharmacy, because they are smuggled, and he says that the most requested medicines on the page are nutritional supplements and vitamin D, as well as a number of painkillers that contain “paracetamol” and medicines for the treatment of corona. And Engy Mohsen, a university student, believes that she buys many well-known cosmetics and medicines, through the applications of well-known pharmacies, because there is a large discount rate. She adds that it is a pillar for the dissemination of these applications, because through the application it is possible to obtain medicine in any way because the electronic system is able to order medicine from any branch in Egypt, but when dealing directly with the pharmacy, it determines the number of medicine boxes and most of the time it is not available.